Emergency Dentist Appointments in Bedford, TX

$59 Emergency Exam & X-Ray

Experiencing a dental emergency? Beelman Dental provides same-day emergency appointments. Take advantage of our emergency exam & x-ray deal for only $59!

While the team at Beelman Dental is dedicated to keeping your smile healthy from the start, we understand dental emergencies can strike even the healthiest of patients! And like all medical emergencies, dental emergencies require quality care right away.

If you've had a sudden onset of tooth or mouth pain or experienced a dental injury like a broken tooth, knocked-out tooth, or injury to the teeth, gums, or jaw, our team is here for you with the best emergency dental care in Bedford, TX and beyond. Call us to schedule your same-day or next-day emergency dentist appointment!

We provide urgent dental care to treat the following conditions at our Bedford dental office:

Tooth Pain

If you're experiencing tooth pain that has lasted longer than just a day or two, it could indicate a more serious underlying condition. Dr. Beelman's signature emergency exams include an ultra-thorough consultation and a set of our high-tech digital x-rays!

Knocked-Out or Broken Teeth

Lost, broken, or knocked-out teeth can cause more than cosmetic issues. They can lead to dangerous infections that compromise your total-body health! If you or your child have suffered a cracked tooth, knocked out tooth, or broken tooth, call us to be treated as soon as possible.

Broken Dental Fillings & Crowns

Have your dental restorations become broken or damaged? Even with the cutting-edge materials used in our restorative treatments, the team at Beelman Dental understands restorations come with a lifespan and can become damaged in a number of situations. If your dental crown or dental filling breaks or comes off, call us right away for an urgent dental appointment!

Dental Abscesses

Infections beneath the gum line can contribute to the development of dangerous dental abscesses. Dr. Beelman will assess the abscess at your emergency dental appointment and may recommend an emergency root canal or tooth extraction, if necessary.

Questions About Our Emergency Dentist Services In Bedford, TX?

If you experience a dental emergency, including trauma, injury, or lingering tooth pain, call Beelman Dental right away! We'll do our best to treat you with a same-day or next-day emergency dental appointment. Se habla Español!

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